Bethesda released patch for The Evil Within PC

When first released some time ago, there are some issues that make the experience felt by gamers of gameplay The Evil Within the PC version be less than perfect. In response to input from gamers, Bethesda also began to fix this horror game.

As a result, Bethesda has finally released a new patch which brings various improvements. One of them is the Frame lock setting that lets gamers choose between 30fps and 60fps.

This new patch has been rolled through Steam. Besides about fps, Bethesda decided to give the gamer the option to remove the black bars at the top and bottom of the screen which is quite annoying gamers. Bethesda itself initially opined, by presenting black bars, cinematic feel to be more pronounced.

Unfortunately, Bethesda did not provide similar information when the update will also be available for the console versions of The Evil Within. For more details, here are some things that become the main focus in the Bethesda patch this time.

     Frame lock settings
     Letterbox setting (option to remove the black bars)
     Gameplay fixes related problems that occur when running at over 30fps
     Improvement of visual problems while eliminating letterbox
     Achievement can work when the console in position enabled
     Improvements game running in windowed mode

Keep in mind that in fact some things that were presented by the previous updates can be done by a gamer with access to the command console. What about your own play The Evil Within on PC? Already received this patch and felt there was an increase in performance?